Not long ago, I had returned from ministering overseas, so I took a road trip with Carrie just to spend some quality time with her. She was heading to go see an old friend for lunch in a town about an hour from our house. I went and sat in a local establishment with my laptop while she had her lunch down the street. I started chatting with the server and the locals. The conversation turned to the injection that the government was promoting at the time. Some patrons were for it and some were against it. At one point, I had the opportunity to address all the people in the entire place and I said, “What really matters is whether or not you are ready to meet God! Some people are saying that the jab will kill you and others are saying that the virus will kill you, but what really matters is being ready to meet God!” I told them all, “Everybody dies. The jab might kill you, an illness might kill you, or you could walk out this door and get hit by a bus. So we are all going to die, and we are all going to meet God and that day we had better be ready to meet Him.”
My friend, that day, the day you leave this life, and meet God, there will be no more time to put off the decision of whether or not to submit and surrender to your creator. So do it now while you still have the chance. John 1:12 says that everyone who receives Him becomes a child of God! Romans 3:23 tells us that we are all sinners and that because of our sin we can’t reach Heaven (God’s glory). Therefore, we need Jesus to take away our sin. Romans 6:23 says that what we earn for our sin is eternal death and separation from God but if we allow God to take away our sin, then we will receive eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, as a free gift. In John 6:44 Jesus said that He is the only way to get to Heaven. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father (gets into Heaven) except through me.” What an amazing statement! Imagine if any other person made that statement. You’d think they were crazy or lying but you most likely wouldn’t believe them. But we can believe Jesus because He proved that He was and is God by the miracles He did, by His knowledge of the future, and by overcoming death. And since He overcame death, all who accept and receive Him as Lord and Savior will overcome death as well. This is because He lived a perfect and sinless life and we have not! We NEED to receive His perfection to enter Heaven because no other person is good enough to enter on their own goodness.
The other day I was chatting with a construction worker and He said, “What matters is being a good person, right?” Then he looked at me and said, “You seem like good people.” I said, “That depends on who you ask.” I said that because the Bible says, “there is no one who does good, not even one” (Psalm 14:3). So later in the conversation, I told this man, “From God’s point of view, there has been only one perfect person to ever walk this earth and that was Jesus Christ! Therefore, He is the only one who is qualified to enter Heaven on His own credentials, on His own goodness. So, if any person wants to make it to Heaven, they have got to enter on the perfection of Jesus, and not on their own perceived goodness.”
Also, being religious is not a guarantee that a person will enter Heaven either. Many, many people are in for a rude awakening when they meet Jesus and they tell Him about all the wonderful spiritual things they did. These people are religious Christians who think that their religious activities will guarantee their entrance to Heaven but Jesus sends many of them away as “evil doers.” This is found in Matthew 7:21-23. And these people refer to Jesus as Lord, which means that they are Christians. So Jesus is basically saying, “Not every Christian will make it to Heaven.” So, if that is true, who does make it to Heaven? The key is in verse 23. There Jesus states that the reason they were sent away as workers of evil is because “I never knew you.” Do you see it? Knowing Jesus is the key to getting into Heaven, not being good or being religious.
And it’s not hard to get into a right relationship with Jesus! But it is sometimes difficult to understand. On one hand, it’s free, and on the other hand, it will cost you everything. On one hand you will gain eternal life while at the same time letting go of this temporary life.
Once you are truly saved, you will become a citizen of Heaven and the things of this corrupted world will fade, and lose their appeal to you. In Galatians 6:14 the apostle Paul said that because of Jesus’ death on the cross that his (Paul’s) interest in the world had died, and that the world’s interest in Paul had also died.
So, if you want to get into a saving relationship to Jesus, then simply talk to Him. He is everywhere and He hears everything you say anyway. Just tell Him that you need Him to save you and that you receive His perfection that saves you from hell and destines you for Heaven. Also, tell Him that you receive Him as your Lord, Master, King, Ruler, etc… Once you have sincerely and genuinely said those things to Jesus and meant them, His Holy Spirit will literally take up residence inside you. Jesus told his disciples that the Spirit “will be in you.” (John 14:17)
Then you’ll need to spend the rest of your life getting to know Him through His Word. Learning what Jesus did, and what He commanded His followers to do is critical to maintaining a right relationship to Jesus. He told His early followers that the way to multiply disciples was primarily through “teaching them to obey everything that I (Jesus) commanded you.” Think about it, if you don’t read and memorize His commands, how can you obey them in your everyday life?
Therefore, make it your daily habit to surrender your life to Jesus and to commit to obey Him as much as possible, every day.
In 1 John 2:4 we read that if a person claims to know God (Jesus) but doesn’t obey Him, that person is a liar. Meaning that they DO NOT really know Jesus even though they say that they do! This person is NOT saved, even though they say that they are!
Verse 5 goes on to say that if a person does obey Him, that is how they show Him they love Him.
Andrew Murray, in his excellent work, In the School of Obedience made an amazing statement. He said, “We first get saved by the grace (free gift) of God but we STAY SAVED through obedience to God”! Amen!
OK, now that you have received Jesus as Lord and Savior, you are saved and on the narrow path to Heaven.
And now that you have committed to learn His commands and obey Him all the days of your life, you will STAY saved! (You won’t fall away from Him and lose your salvation).
There is something else that you should do. You would do well to seek out and find some other people who are also saved and who also are committed to obey all the teachings of Jesus. Then, pray, fellowship, and obey Jesus’ commands with these like-minded people.
And lastly, if you are interested in becoming a true disciple of Jesus who knows how to disciple others, then please reach out to us to set up a biblical discipleship training. We can come to you, or you can come to us. All Glory to God! Please email us at!
We were married in 1990 and God blessed them with five sons. In 2015 God called them to launch The IDMI to work toward fulfilling the Great Commission. Since then The Lord has used the IDMI to make more than 100,000 Disciples of Jesus in multiple nations around the world. As long as there is breath in our lungs we will work toward multiplying followers of Christ.