Can Women Baptize

On my first trip to Africa, I conducted three trainings, the second of which was the smallest with about 20 students. Those twenty were mostly women. They were very excited to learn how to be part of the mission of Jesus Christ. They were excited…

House Church Doubles in Two Weeks!

When I first went to Africa I was invited by a group who called themselves simple house churches that multiply. They had been using the building-based church system but realized that it wasn’t actually making disciples. For the most part, people remained “infants” and didn’t…

The Samuel Wafula Story

The first time I went to Africa I did three training sessions. In the first one, I trained about 50 or 60 pastors, elders, and bishops in something called disciple-making movements (DMM). I was invited to a city called Webuye in northwest Kenya.  The man...

Isaiah and Esther Win Jinja

The very first time I went to Africa I did three trainings, one a small impromptu training for about 20 people in the city of Mbale, Uganda. There I met a young man who could only come for one day of the two-day training. Thankfully,…

God’s Baptism in a Time of Drought

At one point, our disciple maker, Esther, took a team of disciple makers she was training to a village during a severe drought. It had not rained there for seven months, and water was very scarce.  Esther is so confident that she is going to…